Monday, October 5, 2009

The return of Miss Know It All

When I first started this blogging thing I used the name Miss Know It All. It came from Glamour Girl. Every time she came across something odd, she would tell Mickey she was going to call me because I would know what to do. Usually it had to do with household stuff - laundry, etc. Micky started calling me Miss Know It All. He probably thought it would offend me...little did he know... Anyway, this weekend I came across a situation that I didn't know how to handle. Navy Blue Crayon in the laundry. Whole load washed AND dried. 2 pr jeans, 1 denim skirt, 4 pr khaki shorts, 2 pr denim shorts. RUINED. Every item looked like this:
I cried. I screamed. At Mike and Evan. Evan because he left the crayon in his pocket. Mike because he put everything in the dryer without looking. After I settled down, I called Mom. Her suggestion was WD-40. Um, no. It's a trade-off - crayon or the smell of WD-40. Then I remembered. Mike's aunt used to work in a dry cleaner. I called.

Sure enough, there was a possible solution. Dawn Dishwashing Liquid. I soaked every fiber that had a blue smudge. I used half of a brand new bottle. I let it soak for about 30 minutes then washed in HOT water. It worked. Damn it, it worked. I expected the washer to overflow with suds, but no. Nothing like that happened. The clothes got clean. Lives were spared.


  1. Yep, that's how the name came around. He likely meant it shitty..... we loved it! ;-)

  2. whew! I never would have guessed. I would have been completely over the edge. Laundry is enough of a chore as it is...

  3. Cool. I learned 2 new things on your blog today. :)

  4. I was completely over the edge. I didn't want to have to buy new clothes right now!! And the carelessnes of it!!! ARG!!!

  5. Well now I know who to call for my household disasters.

  6. Good to know for the future. I'm sure my kiddo will do something like that one day. LOL

  7. Well thank goodness for Dawn. I never knew that little tip but will file it away in my brain.

    And hey, when you replenish your depleted Dawn, look for the bottle with the white baby seal on it. With every bottle with that special label purchased, Dawn will donate a $1 a wildlife rescue foundation. You just have to enter your code off of the bottle - very simple and it helps worthy cause.

  8. Good Advice. But how do you clean puppy throw up on a shirt? I just encountered this today. I will try the Dawn. Thanks for the info.
